Acute and chronic diarrhea 急慢性腹泻
deferred and chronic diarrhea diseases 迁延性及慢性腹泻
Nursling Chronic Peptic Diarrhea NCPD 慢性消化性腹泻
2 years chronic toxicity 慢性(2a)毒性
60Co chronic irradiation 钴圃慢照射; 星天牛
a rat model of chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎模型
active stage of chronic periodontitis 慢性牙周炎活动期
Actute-on-chronic liver failure 慢加急性亚急性肝衰竭
acute and chronic administration 急慢性给药
acute and chronic cholestatic type hepatitis 急慢性淤胆型肝炎
acute and chronic epidemic model 急慢性传染病模型
acute and chronic infection stages 急性和慢性阶段
Acute and chronic injured wounds 损伤创面
acute and chronic injury 急慢性损伤
Acute and chronic liver damage 急慢性肝损伤
Acute and chronic liver injury 急、慢性肝损伤
acute and chronic myocardial ischemia 急慢性心肌缺血
Acute and chronic pain 急慢性疼痛
Acute and chronic pyelonephritis 急、慢性肾盂肾炎